To New-Ish Starts

Today marks the day I start my new blog. I've had about three blogs before, the longest of which lasted for maybe a year and a half. And knowing myself and my hability to procrastinate my obligations, thinking that I'll keep this blog for longer than that (and with regular updates too!) is a bit of a reach.

But one that I am happy to make, to be honest. So, where should I start? I've been surviving this life on earth for about 16 years and 8 months, all of which I spent in Portugal, my home country.
I'm an economics student (not that that matters at all) but I have an enormous passion for writing and reading, hence my constant desire to keep starting new blogs.

And honestly? I don't know what else to say - I've always been bad at telling people about who I am, because, to be completely honest, I'm still finding that out as I go along. So, I kind of hope that this blog will be somewhat of help (to myself and others) when it comes to that.

I also want this blog to be a safe place for me to write and for everyone else to enjoy and (hopefully) relate to. I wish nothing more than to be able to express myself, whether that may be through a two page essay about, I don't know, toxic masculity or a short poem about gender roles. Have I mentioned that I am a feminist?

Anyway, I do hope a lot of fun comes out of this project, and a lot of learning too. Let's see how this goes, shall we?


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